Artist, performer, sculptor, maker of kinetic metal sculptures and installations, b.1966. Founding member of the artist group Dead Chickens (1986), artist gallery Dead Chickens Warehouse (1990), art group Haus Schwarzenberg (1995), artist’s club Eschschloraque Rümschrümp (1995), Dead Chickens Museum Monsterkabinett (2010) and the artist’s workshop WERK.STATT.44 (2011).
Lives and works in Berlin.
His kinetic sculptures are installed in various places, such as: “Feuergarten“, Hunsrück, Germany (2017), and “Schnabelschere“, Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany (1997). He also makes various kinetic sculptures for events such as “KAI‘s Computer Press“, Chaos Communication Con- gress, Congress Center in Hamburg, Germany (2014), and “Feuer Aus Dem Rohr“ for the opening of Wingas, Erfurt, Germany (2005).
He has participated in numerous exhibitions, including Vom Funken Zum Pixel/Kunst+Neue Medien, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany (2007), and Tag des offenen Denkmals, Teufelsberg, Berlin, Germany (2013).
With the Dead Chickens, he has participated in many exhibitions and shows, such as: X-Position, Academy of Arts, Berlin, Germany (1994), Theater Festival, Polverigi, Italy (1997) “Chimech, A Mechanical Creatures Odyssey“ for European Capital of Europe Lille 2004, France, (2004), and Dead Chickens at Big Day Out Festival, Sydney, Mel- bourne, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Australia (2007).
He often collaborates with artists from different disciplines, making performances and organizing exhibitions such as “Beton Stahl Taube“, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany (2015).

Full Biography
KAI Dead Chickens
Artist, performer, sculptor, creator of kinetic metal sculptures and installations. Founding member of the artist group Dead Chickens (1986), artists’ gallery Dead Chickens Warehouse (1990), art association Haus Schwarzenberg (1995), artists’ club Eschschloraque Rümpschrümp (1995), Dead Chickens Museum Monsterkabinett (2010), and artists’ workshop WERK.STATT.44 (2011).
Lives and works in Berlin.
– Book KAI
– Website
– Artist name KAI Dead Chickens
– Production of the artwork „RELIEF 1.“
– Solo exhibition, Out Of Frame, Das Labor, Berlin, Deutschland
– Installation of the sculptures Feuergarten, Hunsrück, Germany.
– Production and presentation of the commissioned kinetic sculptures Feuergarten, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Installation of the kinetic sculpture Seeschwecke, Hunsrück, Germany.
– Production of the commissioned kinetic sculpture Seeschwecke, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Exhibition and performance of the kinetic sculpture KAI’s Computer Press im Auftrag Chaos Communication Congress, Kongresszentrum in Hamburg, Deutschland
– Production of the commissioned kinetic sculpture KAI’s Computer Press, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Production of the artwork „STACHELBAHN“ nuture Mini ART Golf, Berlin, Germany.
– Production of the artwork „ÖLFALL“
– Performance, Dublin, Ireland.
– Performance, Beijing, China.
– Feuer aus dem Rohr, Performance und Installation für Eröffnung von Wingas, Erfurt, Deutschland
– Design and equipment for La Luz, Berlin, Germany.
– Konzentrationszentrum, Installation, Milchhof e.V, Berlin, Germany.
– Einzelausstellung, Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany.
– Film props for the film Go For Gold, Director: Lucian Segura.
– Two kinetic sculptures for the band Rammstein, Berlin, Germany.
– Decor and Design of the fashion store Weusi Weupe, Berlin, Germany.
– Installation of the kinetic sculpture Stapelschwein, Schwarzenberg e.V. Berlin, Germany.
– Artwork and special effects rental for Scorpio Production/Onda Film/Nostro Film, Berlin, Germany.
– Decor and Design of the fashion store Karl Faktor, Berlin, Germany.
– Concept and construction „Stapelschwein“, Berlin, Germany.
– Construction and installation of two commissioned fire monsters for the Fabrikfassade, Berlin, Germany.
– Decor and Design for the Schnabelbar, Berlin, Germany.
– Kinetic sculptures for Macht der Nacht, Berlin, Germany.
– Conception and construction of a metal sculpture for the stage play Don Quichote, Berlin, Germany.
– Conception and construction of a waterfall bar for ARCANOA, Berlin, Germany.
– Construction of a 5-person pedal car Schinkekrock, für Ausstellung am Olympiastadion, Berlin, Deutschland
– Fashion Accessories for Avantgarde Design, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance for Fashion Show, GIFT, Berlin, Germany.
– Equipment and actor in „NIHL oder alle Zeit der Welt“ by Uli M. Schüppel.
– Exhibition in Exhibition Hall 22 with Peter Schuetze and Horst Steel, Germany.
– Group exhibition, UP DOWN UP, Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance with Ari la Chispa and Gilberto Torres, Kulturgewächshaus Birkenried and Tacken, Germany.
– Performance with Cornelius Perino, Visuman, Berlin, Germany.
– Group exhibition,TRILOGIE DER OPPOSITIONEN, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance by KAI, Cornelius Perino, SAINT JAMES, Ceren Oykut
TRILOGIE DER OPPOSITIONEN, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance von KAI,Munsha, Alex Doc Dorsch, Marcello Silvio Busato
BOB RUTMAN TRIBUTE , Eschschloraque,Berlin, Deutschland
– Lauschen Statt Rauschen, 25 Jahre Haus Schwarzenberg, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
– Mondrausch, Eröffnungsperformance von KAI, Ari La Chispa, Till Fuhrmann, Live Stream Lauschen Statt Rauschen, 25 Jahre Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany.
– Schattekabinett-Sketchshow im Live Stream, Hoffest, 25 Jahre Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance KAI, Live Stream, 25 Jahre Eschschloraque, Rümschrümp, Berlin, Deutschland
– Open-air group exhibition, Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance by KAI, Bob Ruthman, Mushimaru Fujieda, Yuko Matsuyama. Hoffest Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance Black On Black, KAI, Fezayafirar (Melih Sarıgöl und Emre Sarıgöl) und Ceren Oykut in der Rixdorfer Schmiede, 48 Stunden Neukölln Festival, Berlin, Deutschland
– Performance by KAI, Yuko Matsuyama, Munsha, Ceren Oykut, Edu Delgado Lopez, 23 years Eschschloraque Rümschrümp, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance by KAI, Ceren Oykut, Joshua Tennent and Yuko Matsuyama, Finissage of the exhibition “Still Here” by Ceren Oykut, Apartment Project Berlin, Germany.
– Performance von KAI und Ceren Oykut bei der Finissage der Ausstellung Out Of Frame von KAI, Das Labor, Berlin, Deutschland
– Performance von KAI bei der Vernissage der Ausstellung Out Of Frame von KAI, Das Labor, Berlin, Deutschland
– WERK.STATT.SCHAU V, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance by KAI, Ceren Oykut, Horst Steel at WERK.STATT.SCHAU V, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Beton, Stahl, Taube, WERK.STATT.SCHAU IV, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
- Performance by KAI, Munsha, SR & Company, part of the exhibition Beton, Stahl Taube, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
- Performance by KAI and Mab Cardoso, part of the exhibition Beton, Stahl Taube, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance by KAI and Ari la Chispa, part of the exhibition Beton, Stahl Taube, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
– WERK.STATT.SCHAU III, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Art fair, Berliner Liste, Berlin, Germany.
– WERK.STATT.SCHAU II, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance by KAI at WERK.STATT.SCHAU II, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance and installation of the kinetic sculpture Ölfall für die Ausstellung am Tag des Denkmals, Teufelsberg, Berlin, Germany.
– WERK.STATT.SCHAU I, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance by KAI and Antoin O’Heocha at WERK.STATT.SCHAU I, Werkstatt44, Berlin, Germany.
– Opening of the art and metal workshop WERK.STATT.44, Berlin, Germany.
– Festival Robodonien, Köln, Deutschland
– Eröffnung des Dead Chickens Museum Monsterkabinett, Haus Schwarzenberg e.V, Berlin, Germany.
– Art Tower, group exhibition, Part of the 48 Stunden Neukölln Festival, Berlin, Germany.
– “LEAVING SCHWEINEÖDE – THE RETURN OF THE MONSTERS” Dead Chickens Festival, Berlin, Germany.
– Slum-TV, Donau Festival, Krems, Austria.
– Dach9, group exhibition, Palace of Art, Minsk, Belarus.
– Exhibition by Dead Chickens in a public space, organised by Bally Wulff, Munich, Germany.
– Vom Funken Zum Pixel / Kunst+Neue Medien, exhibition curated by Richard Castelli, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, Germany.
– The Failure of Beauty/Dead Chickens Berlin, Dead Chickens Documentary Film.
– Dead Chickens beim Big Day Out Festival, Sydney-Melbourne-Adelaide-Gold Coast, Australia.
– Meet Thy Neighbours, group exhibition, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
– Performance by KAI, Cornelius Perino, Andrew Unru, Moviemento Kino, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens at the Robodock Festival for Arts & Technology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
– Feuer aus dem Rohr, Performance for the opening of Wingas, Erfort, Germany.
– Chimech, exhibition by Dead Chickens, Dead Chickens Werkstatt Oberschöneweide, Berlin, Germany.
– 18×24, 17 Berlin Artists, group exhibition, Galerie 61, Bielefeld, Germany.
– Dead Chickens beim Robodock Festival for Arts & Technology, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
– ZEIT, Maschinen Theater, exhibition by Dead Chickens, Dead Chickens Werkstatt.
– Chimech, a presentation of the project Chimech by Dead Chickens, Rathenau-Hallen in Oberschöneweide, Berlin, Germany.
– Chimech a mechanical creatures odysee, Dead Chickens for Capital of Culture Lille 2004, Belgium.
– Clash Of The Giants, concert and machine performance by Dead Chickens and Puppetmastaz, Maria am Ufer, Berlin, Germany.
– Concert and machine performance by Dead Chickens, MS Stubnitz Kunstraumschiff, Capital of Culture Rotterdam, Netherlands.
– Opening performance and exhibition by Dead Chickens, Z 2000 Festival für Junge Kunst, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany.
– The Lep Files, Musik CD by Dead Chickens published by Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany.
– Group exhibition, Façade Festival, Roubaix, France.
– Exhibitions, installations and performance by Dead Chickens, Maubeuge, Creteil/Paris, Batofar/Paris, France.
– Machine performance by Dead Chickens, Festival Grec, Barcelona, Spain.
– Participation in Music-CD, Brain Confusion by C. Perino
– Machine performance by Dead Chickens, Fusion Open Air Festival Müritzsee, Germany.
– Group exhibition and Performance, Festival Berlinapoli, Napoli, Italy and Berlin, Germany.
– Monster Kabinett im Bernsteinzimmer Dead Chickens at Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany.
– Salon Schwarzenberg,Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
– Machine installation by Dead Chickens for MayDay, Westfalenhalle, Dortmund, Germany.
– Machine Performance by Dead Chickens at the MS Stubnitz, Stockholm, Sweden.
– Dr.Mutabor Rebirthing Show, Dead Chickens, Eschschloraque, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens Show and exhibition, Psycolomedo Festival, Polverigi, Italy.
– Ferien mit Mutti, exhibition by Dead Chickens at the Castle of Count Orsini, Bomarzo, Italy.
– Dead Chickens exhibition, Museum für junge Kunst, Frankfort/Oder, Germany.
– Dead Chickens exhibition, Galleria Prowincjonalna, Slubice, Poland.
– Tagediebetage, group exhibition, Haus Schwarzenberg, Berlin, Germany.
– Machine sculptures for the theatre piece Ferrocity, Variete Chamaleon, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens Show and exhibition, Frieshuus Amerika, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
– Dead Chickens exhibition, Groningen, Netherlands.
– Dead Chickens Performance, Milano and Bologna, Italy.
– Dead Chickens, Bally Wulf Gala, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens Performance, Eschschloraque, Berlin, Germany.
– Fünf Jahre Ateliergemeinschaft Milchhof, Galerie Neurotitan, Berlin, Germany.
– Co Produktion „Psycolomedo“ w/ Cornelius Perino
– Founding member of the artists’ club Eschschloraque Rümschrümp, Berlin, Germany.
– Founding member of the artists’ association Haus Schwarzenberg e.V. Berlin, Germany.
– Equipment and design of the artists’ club Eschschloraque Rümschrümp, Berlin, Germany.
– Standpunkte, exhibition by Dead Chickens, Gallery of Fine Art Vostell, Berlin, Germany.
– Muttis Geburtstag, Show Dead Chickens show, Exit Festival Creteil, Paris, France.
– Dead Chickens Show, Open Air Festival, Hannover, Germany.
– Wohlstand, Japanese/German Noise Compilation, Musical CD published by Human Wrechords, Germany.
– X-Position, Dead Chickens, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany.
– Monster installation by Dead Chickens for “100 Grad”, ORB.
– Tagediebetage , art festival, Michhof, Berlin, Germany.
– Mäuseboxenshow by Dead Chickens, Maubeuge, France.
– Dead Chickens, Stubnitz Kunst Raum-Schiff, Hamburg, Germany.
– Dr. Mutabors zweiter Frühling, Dead Chickens exhibition, Raab Galerie, Berlin, Germany.
– Musical Show Dead Chickens for „La Fura dels Baus – Baila o Muerte“, Tempodrom, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens exhibition, Galerie de Zoon, Groningen, Netherlands.
– Mäuseboxen, Dead Chickens Video, Director: Mirko Borscht.
– Brutparties I, II, III, by Dead Chickens, Milchhof e.V Berlin, Germany.
– Labor für Evolutions Prognostik (LEP), Dead Chickens,Festival de la Conseil du Nord, Maubeuge, France.
– Berlin Kosmetik exhibition, Milchhof, Berlin, Germany.
– *First website and e- mail ( ,
– We never Sleep, cybernetic music festival at Tacheles, Berlin.
– Labor für Evolutions Prognostik (LEP), Dead Chickens in the „Umbau“ official programme of DOCUMENTA, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens Credo, music, island, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens Credo, music, Electronic Art Syndrom, Kongresszentrum, Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Germany.
– Collective artwork by Dead Chickens „Clock DC“
– Simply in the Box,Eimer, Berlin, Germany.
– Faces´n´Brains, Tränenpalast, Berlin, Germany.
– Dr. Mutabor empfiehlt, Dead Chickens exhibition, Raab Galerie, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens move into Milchhof.
– Schlaraffeland, withDead Chickens exhibition, show, Akademie der Künste, Pariserplatz, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens ZOO show, WMF, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens film with Malika Ziouesch.
– Founding member of Dead Chickens Warehouse, artists’ gallery, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens exhibition show, INTERNI, Galerie Dilmos, Milano, Italy.
– Dead Chickens Show, Fritz Germany, Frankfurt, Germany.
– AVE fashion show, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens film equipment, MADHOUSE FILM with K. Hofmeister.
– Dead Chickens exhibition and show with „Radio Subcom“, Ars Elektronica, Linz, Austria.
– Dead Chickens panopticon at „Chronometer“ exhibition, Catacombs, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens „House Usher“ Labyrinth, Arcano, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens concert, Extasy, Berlin, Germany.
– Nomadendorf + Rallye with MUTOID WASTE COMPANY , Görlitzer Park, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens exhibition and show, Schinkestraße, Berlin, Germany.
– Concerts with Mumrik Haftinatten, Berlin and Hamburg, Germany.
– Exhibition, Stuttgarter Hof, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens video clip, Offner Kanal, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens Show, Quartier Latin, Berlin, Germany.
– Dead Chickens Show, Kampnagel Fabrik, Hamburg, Germany.
– Founding member of DEAD CHICKENS artist group.
– Fashion show „OFF LINE“ , Berlin, Germany.
– Founding member of the Punk-Rock band Dead Chickens.
– Founding member of the music club AFTER EIGHT, Berlin, Germany.